Lightly Salted wins EPSON SA AIPP Professional Photographer of the year 2010
What a night! Last night the SA AIPP held their State Awards Dinner at the Tivoli Hotel in Adelaide. We had an inkling we were in the running for the Commercial category (sponsored by CR Kennedy and Hasselblad) and absolutely elated when it was announced that we’d won. However, that was just the beginning. After all of the category winners had been announced (congratulations to everyone who got a gong!) we were all lined up on stage in preparation for the announcement of the overall winner.
Sponsored by EPSON, the 2010 South Australian AIPP Professional Photographer of the year is…..Liam West!
To be singled out amongst all of the amazing entrants has to be the most rewarding feeling and makes all of Lightly Salted’s hard work well worth while. It’s unfortunate that the other half of the team (Lisa) couldn’t be there last night as she’s in the UK celebrating her Grandmother’s 100th birthday – we figured that trumped the possibility of winning!
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and anyone that’s involved in our lives, we work very hard to grow our business and you are all very understanding and supportive. You all know who you are, I don’t want to single people out in case I forget someone!
Lastly a giant thanks to all of this years sponsors, we couldn’t have had such a great event without you all.
Ross Simpson – Ambassador for the RSB’s Dark to Light Walk
I recently photographed Ross Simpson, the 2010 Client Ambassador for the Royal Society for the Blind’s Dark to Light Walk.
Ross was diagnosed with Macular Dystrophy when he was just 8-years-old. This eye condition is degenerative, which means the older Ross gets, the less he’ll be able to see. Ross says “It’s not good, it’s not bad, it just is”. At 25, Ross has an insatiable thirst for life, playing in Australian band Mere Theory and studying at university. He put his hand up for the role of Client Ambassador to help other people like him and raise awareness about vision impairment in his local community.
The fundraising walk will be held on World Sight Day, Thursday 14 October, to help raise money for people who are blind or vision impaired in South Australia. Registration is still open –
The Lightly Salted Team will be there and you should be too!
Uniquely Rundle Mall
The Spring/Summer edition of Rundle Mall’s Unique Magazine comes out this week so keep your eyes peeled for it around the mall!
For those of you who don’t live in Adelaide, you can have a look at the magazine online here:
Here are a few behind the scenes pics from the shoot in the Lightly Salted studio and on location…
Scott Thompson – AWL Ambassador
A few weeks ago the Lightly Salted team photographed the lovely Scott Thompson (who is an ambassador for the Animal Welfare League) and his gorgeous daughter Ava and dogs Rocky and Ruby for the Winter 2010 edition of We Care Magazine.
Here are a couple of pics from the shoot and if you’d like to read the article in the magazine, you can download it here:
A Very Salty Spiderman!
The Lightly Salted team has been rather more salty than usual in our preparation for Marketing Week! As one of the official event sponsors this year we were offered the opportunity to pop some promo stuff into the event satchels that go to everyone that attends. So we jumped at the opportunity and got the creative juices flowing…
Late nights and too much pizza and beer lead to quite a few crazy ideas and in the end with the help of the guys from Kinky Lizard we settled on good old Spiderman taking a sneaky dip in a Margarita, and adding his own twist!
We were lucky enough to get our hands on a whole lot of pink salt from the awesome people at Murray River Salt and with the help of the extended Salty Brigade we spent a few days transferring 22kgs of pink salt into mini 15gm bags for the promo…then came the stapling of the little salt bags to the printed promos – so much fun!
A very big thanks goes to everyone who helped (Pat in particular) to get the project off the ground and for all those crazy hours worked so we could meet our rather tight deadline!
Below is a pic of the final outcome and also a few behind the scene pics for your viewing pleasure!
For those of you lucky enough to be going to Marketing Week, keep your eyes peeled for Spidey and we hope you enjoy the Lightly Salted sponsored event!
Some exciting changes!
Lightly Salted is going through some exciting changes at the moment – we have finally finished implementing our new logo and we now have a sexy new colour scheme too – black, white and pink!
We are also doing an overhaul of our website which will be launched towards the end of the month so keep your eyes peeled for that!
Here’s a little taste of things to come…
Success at the APPAs!
On the 3rd of June the Lightly Salted team travelled to Melbourne for the annual Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPAs). We entered 4 images into the awards this year – 2 in the Commercial category and 2 in Portrait Open.
When entering the awards, Liam required 2 more points to become an AIPP Associate so this meant we needed either 2 Silvers or 1 Gold to achieve this. The judging this year was quite strict, particularly in the Commercial category where only 36 silvers were awarded so we were over the moon when Liam walked away with 2 of these Silvers and also received a Silver with Distinction in the Portrait Open category. This meant we had plenty of reason to celebrate at the official awards dinner where Liam was presented with his Associateship.
Well done Liam!
Say hello to our new Studio Manager!
I was hoping that I would have had a chance to introduce myself before now but Liam has kept me run off my feet since I started back in April so I thought it was about time for me to say hi!
I am the newest member of the Lightly Salted team and have been on board for almost 4 months now. My role is essentially to keep the wheels turning so Liam can concentrate on what he does best! My background is predominantly in administration and I have worked in a variety of different industries including design, production and finance in South Africa, England and Adelaide.
My first few months here have been great and I have enjoyed assisting Liam on a number of shoots in some fascinating and interesting locations. I have learnt so much about the commercial photography industry that I didn’t know and most importantly I have enjoyed meeting and working with a lot of you guys!
As I mentioned earlier, Liam has kept me run off my feet over the last few months so watch this space as I will be updating it over the next few weeks with some of the more exciting projects we have been working on.