Lisa West Portrait

I was hoping that I would have had a chance to introduce myself before now but Liam has kept me run off my feet since I started back in April so I thought it was about time for me to say hi!

I am the newest member of the Lightly Salted team and have been on board for almost 4 months now. My role is essentially to keep the wheels turning so Liam can concentrate on what he does best! My background is predominantly in administration and I have worked in a variety of different industries including design, production and finance in South Africa, England and Adelaide.

My first few months here have been great and I have enjoyed assisting Liam on a number of shoots in some fascinating and interesting locations. I have learnt so much about the commercial photography industry that I didn’t know and most importantly I have enjoyed meeting and working with a lot of you guys!

As I mentioned earlier, Liam has kept me run off my feet over the last few months so watch this space as I will be updating it over the next few weeks with some of the more exciting projects we have been working on.
