Late last year we had the privilege to photograph the gorgeous pocket rocket Rachael Leahcar who has taken Australia by storm with her recent performance on Channel 9’s The Voice. Rachael is a client of the Royal Society for the Blind for whom Lightly Salted does a lot of work in support of the charity – you may recall we raised an RSB Guide Dog Puppy a few years ago.
We were chuffed to see the facebook announcements rolling in while on holiday in South Africa so I thought I’d take a minute (now that I’m home) to show some extra images from our shoot with Rachael. It would have been quite obvious on the show but in case you hadn’t noticed, Rachael is very humble and radiates a wonderful innocence very uncommon in 17/18 year old’s these days! We wish her all the best for the show and her future career.
See below for the video of her performance:
Rachael Leahcar performing on The Voice – YouTube