Ok, so things are looking a little dog crazy on the blog at the moment. We promise that will change soon as we have a pile of work waiting in the wings that we can’t post until the campaigns have begun. So for now it’s puppies, deal with it! Also, since Dermott is now living with the CEO of the RSB you won’t be seeing photo’s of him either.
We’re told the Vision SA mag will be out soon with a shot of this little fella’s mate on the cover that’ll melt your heart – if it hadn’t already melted after that heat wave we just had in Adelaide. We’ve been busy with lots of bread ‘n butter work as well and it’s nice to feel like the wheels are yet again set in motion. Here’s hoping 2009 is going to be a good year, we’re already excited about 2010. Sorry, we’re a bit pumped about the economy as we spent most of today shooting PR for a rather large global company and they’re set to spend more on marketing this year than ever before. It’s just good to see companies with confidence in little ol’ Aus.

Please become a puppy educator