We’ll call it HH! HH is a neurological issue often brought on by stroke, it causes a breakdown in the way the brain translates information from the eyes. We’ll let the RSB describe it in more detail, we can’t really do it justice. The RSB (Royal Society for the Blind) recently commissioned Lightly Salted to produce a couple of images for their documentation, one of which was a very involved composite task. The first 2 images are your traditional Torrens Lake/Elder Park Rotunda photos, however, we feel we’ve given them a modern feel pertinent to the assignment.

Elder Park by night

Elder Park by night

Elder Park by day

Elder Park by day

The second assignment was the HH specific one involving a van driving through a pedestrian crossing, designed to communicate how dangerous HH can be. The following is an animation showing how we created the final image from combining 2 different images for the background and foreground.

HH composite animation

HH composite animation

And the final image(s):

Watch out for that van!

Watch out for that van!

The moral of the story? Next time you need difficult compositing work done, or have an idea that you think might be impossible..you now know who to call (us, Lightly Salted..get it?!)

Don’t forget to look both ways.
